Student – Gamer – Writer

Category Archives: Thoughts

This will happen now and again, as I get too complacent/lazy/procrastinate/whateverelse.

It’s not like I havn’t been writing, I’m constantly writing, constantly creating but I guess that’s where the complacent part comes in. I’ve just been neglecting this blog, and I promised myself that I would keep up with it. So this is my attempt to get back on track. There’s school (fast approaching exams), my writing (been knocking out the early chapters of a sequel I’m writing under my pen name), gaming (gearing up for Borderlands 2. I’ll probably be posting more on that in the coming days as B2-Day draws nearer. A review will definitely be coming!) .

Other than those things there are no excuses for my being away.

Here it comes, the much dreaded editing phase. The day when I sit down and wade through my six-month-old prose, trying to figure out why it pisses me off and what I can do about it.  I havn’t so much as peeked at it once since its completion, and I’d rather not do it now. I’d much rather just slap a DONE! sticker on it and send it on its way, the manuscript, I mean. And when I say ‘send it on its way’ that usually refers to some dark, quiet little corner of my hard drive- not to a publisher. I wont be sending anything to a publisher for a while.

Anywho, also beginning work on a sequal I’ve been bugged to death to write, so I’ll have my plate full for a while. This will be my second novel this year, and the whole process just seems to be getting quicker and quicker, which doesnt translate into it being easier in anyway, just quicker. I think I like this pace though. I think I can knock out two novels a year for the rest of my working life, even if none of them ever get published. There’s so much going on my head…that must be why I love video games so much…and sleep (if I get it).

Well, enough procrastinating, I have some stuff to do, as you now know. Oh, if there’s anyone out there who knows of a few ways to make this drediting stuff less painful, please let me know. I will love you long time!